I decide to purchase ac of Voltas or Hitachi company so I ask one of the dealer"M/S Ambica Electronics" kankaria to show me some of the models for the same but due to may be carrier provides more commission or to achieve his own targates he chased me to purchase "carrier" window air conditioner. so I paid the complete amount money and take delivery of carrier 2 star Dura cool window model ac. now the problem starts, this ac started consuming 4 units for an hour I get shocked when I checked meter reading that my one days consumption of electricity is 30 units because of this unit of air conditioner. I complaint about that to dealer but he refuse to give reply and ask me to lodge the complain on carrier company I did the same on 12th but till 16th no body comes to check the ac I again called dealer and ask him to do something he called the distributor and ask him to send anybody to check the ac next day a man comes to my house I am at office at that time he called me at my office and I tell him the problem of power consumption he said ok I checked it for half an hour and than call you again after half an hour he report me that ac is perfectly ok it consumes only one unit in half hour when i ask that how you check that than he told me that he keep ac on at 30 degree for half an hour and check the reading and ac consumes only one unit in half hour
I don’t understand that who foolish that person was and why he checked ac on 30 degree when a normal room temperature is lesser than 30 degree, he just wants to manipulate to me that ac is consuming 2 units in a hour otherwise what is the purpose to check an ac on 30 degree Celsius generally we run our ac on 22-24 degree I don’t understand what to do with them when I ask him to write all that on his job card which he carries with him but he denied to do so that he cant provide us any thing in writing
So moral of this story is to not to purchase carrier ac or if you still wants to purchase that than run it on 30 degree so that it consumes on 2 units in a hour or 16 units in eight hours without giving you any cooling effect
and one thing about this company is till today 20/05/2010 after two times lodging complain on phone and 3 emails no body visits (other than that foolish person of distributor) to attend my complain
Please tell me friends what to do with this company and irresponsible dealer.