So we moved in a new house...and this house was more than an father was always of the opinion that no matter where you stay, always have a big drawing room (living room). We bought a flat in a 1920s art deco style building and you know during those days drawing rooms were huge and so were the cieling. Boom came May 2001 and it became so hot that an Air Conditioner was everyones demand.
I was assigned the task of searching and getting a brand new air conditioner installed. First thing I did was figured the tonnage required...since my drawing room is more than 750 sq.ft with 12ft. high after much calculation I figured I would need more than 2 Tons.
Main question was now whether to go for Window AC or Split. Well unanimously my bhabi and I agreed for a split AC cause the machine is seperate from the blowing unit and also window AC require lot of ugly space.
So now we figured 2.0 Tons or more and split AC was needed...I am little biased towards ACs that are in use in many I did not even enquire about Voltas and Fedders etc. Next logical step was to read member reviews... I visited Mouthshut and figured that it has to be either LG or Carrier...and within few hours I was convinced that it had to be Carrier.
Called the companys main phone #. Within few hours a dealer visited my bhabi at home. She explained the requirements. He suggested the Carrier N Series which is good for high cieling areas.
This has been an extraordinary machine...installation and all was so smooth on a saturday when I was off from work. This machine has excellent compressor. Chills your bones. Chorded remote control panel...I wish it was cordless...but cordless I guess is available in the next higher series.
After sales service has been excellent. The guys are on time most of the time. The only thing which I hate about this AC is the pipe which connects to the external machine gets choked once a month...I guess its installation error. One other thing which I dont like...Carrier guys NEVER GIVE ANY DISCOUNT! I wish I had been offered some discount. Anyway, go for this AC if you have a big room or high or residence.