I had carrier is a good bargain if we consider efficiency, life of the product, quality, and brand. Most other popular brands are just getting the products assembled and putting in their label only, just to expand their product base, whereas carrier is in this business only for a prety long time and manufactures all the parts including compressors.Also carrier windows ac have condensate management system with which water does not dips from the unit.( as I stay on the first floor this was my major concern) These were the reasons for purchasing a carrier ac.
The carrier dealer told me that carrier had just launched a new series Genx in 1.5 ton window acs. Two models were available are genx1 without remote and genX2 with remote. The added features I found was the EER has been increased to 10( 18, 200 BTU & 1820 Watts) as comparable to previous models of 9.8. The air flow has also been increased to 500 CFM. The size of the ac has also been reduced to give it a better look. The white grill matched perfectly with my interiors.
I bought the genX2 model with remote. The minus points is that the remote is non LCD. I am using this ac for the last one week and I am satisfied with its performance. The ac cools my 11 by 15 feet room in just 15 minutes and I keep the temperature setting at 26 degrees which is a perfect one and seems to be an ideal state and have no difficulty in going out of the room. Pros high EER, less noise, good looks. Cons non LCD remote, cost