What an experience. what a time pass. It was a professional fooling experience of 2 hrs. and people go there to get FOOLED.
I had never contacted them, I had just put a sleepy ad for selling my car on a renowned website. they picked my details from there and called me, offered me to show them my car through a phone call. I should have told them to come to me to see the car, but I do not know why I agreed to go to their office, as if I was in a dire need and they were giving me an appointment. what a fool of me.
After going there, they do a very professional show of checking your car. as if experienced people are observing it using instruments for measuring things. To their bad luck, I am from auto industry and could make out that the instruments and techniques they used were not being used properly and wondered if these were caliberated and working correctly. They try to look for as many faults / defects as they can in your car which is already a used car and then put your details in their domain for their bidders to see. fair enough.
However, I am not sure what do they do of the data, which now they have after the bidding is over. They might be even selling this info which is useful to other buyers of this car to pre-assess the price and this is how the price of your car gets rigged in open market for ever. Now you cant sell the car at a price beyond their Quote which is already very low through their false biddng portal. Crooks.
A normal buyer, who does not come through this website, would not assess your used car as a new one and would take it for whatever value he wants from the car. and this is where the difference lies.
These guys try to bring down the purchase price of your car using technical terms used for a NEW CAR. You start to feel hopeless, which is their objective, and you succumb to their price and sell it to these rouges for the price which is decided by the group of cronies sitting on the portal for so called bidding. They sell it onward as if it was a normal used car.
To summarise, Its not a place one should go out to sell your car since you start feeling pathetic and humiliated after their analysis of your car against a NEW CAR CHECKPOINT. THATS GROSSLY UNFAIR.
Above all, all this happens at the cost of your time and money and you put your valuable data at risk with these rouges. You should go ahead with them only if
they visit your place
quote the price band upfront.
You should allow an "Inspection" and reveal any docs only if first 2 conditions are met. then only it will save some time and effort for you.