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Worst experience with cars 24 as we alls see it TV ads not like that we have to face lots of problem to sale our car in this problem is that if you want to sell your car I have to take appointment for cars 24 also take the appointment for going there but after that my mind was changed and I don't want to sale my car I clearly said that the employees of cars 24 even then they don't want to listen and kepton saying me that price for your car what's your age and some more question also but I don't want to sell my car at that time so I cleared it that my don't interested to sell my car even then they were giving me the offers still they are sending me message and call me and related to this of word harassment call I got irritated by it because they keep on calling me relating to this scheme and telling me lots its offers.i requesting to you please don't go there it is the worst website for selling our cars didn't give us a good price of our car what we deserve and it's not be done in fast time because they too many times to done this process it was my first experience as well as disappoint experience regarding to the cars 24