I purchased on 29 March 2017 swift 2012 registration through one of the Car Trade Certified dealer in Moti Nagar, Vinayak Motor
Car No:- DL4CAG-2602, did not check with other mechanic, trusted certification has credential, However their is customer support to the complaint, I called and informed the Car Trade team, There is no reply from their side.
The issue is really serious that on 29 April just in one month, one of the tyre torn off / blast, and on the road changed it with the stepny and somehow reached the Tyre Shop, while changing it was found two tyre of year 2008, one 2011, and the fourth one 2014, Tyres aging 2008 are completely in worst condition, when it was informed to the dealer about the incident, said cant do anything,
So if the car was certified by the Car Trade, was not their responsibility to check all these aspect.
Its really horrible to trust the certification of this company
Deepankar Roy
Mobile:- 9810162173