I was visiting quite a few websites, ever since I thought of owning a car myself. Finally I settled for carwale. Here is why: -
It provided me with all the information I could ask for. The site is managed by its members themselves. So there is no prejudice or favorism towards any brand/make
It has quite a few useful tools like old car valuation (approx. of course), insurance calc., financing recommendations/reviews, accessories etc.
The best part of the website is their forum. Learned and experienced owners share their views on almost any topic one could think, related to cars in India.
It is very convenient to browse through and search for information
The comparisons are based on both the specifications as well as user reviews. The reviews again are segregated by the ones from carwale itself (generally test drives) as well as user reviews. This covers all aspect of reviewing possible from all angles.
The discussions, apart from just being informative, happen in a very good environment which improves the experience even further.
After about 2 years of starting my search, I am now a regular at carwale and I have never felt the need to visit any other auto website for info.