I posted my car for sale in carwale and was told that my car ad would be published on website and it ad would appear in hindustan times but the ad never appeared tried contacting them but no one there has any idea about it and no response was given but just an excuse we will arrange buyers for you car
secondly 90% inquires on carwale are dummy inquires I have verified this with my friend who had put his ad on carwale the people interested in his car and my car were almost same as we have prepared a list of those dummy buyers
inquiries are send by buyers at 1am , 2am some times 4am in night I think probably carwale has some international customers which is not on any other website
dummy buyers also call you and tell you that they are interested and would come to see your car the same person has called me3-4 times every time acting as a new person interested and would
tell me to sms the details the moment you update your ad you are bound to get at least 2 dummy buyers within 24 hrs
carwale says it verifies all mobile then how come I received inquiry from no 0097* * * * * * * * 9 no
with 11 digits and 2 extra 0 and from no 07 * * * * * * 2 0 mobile no with only 9 digits strange
can they tell me to which country do these mobile no belong
all these things have been experienced by me and an advice avoid carwale if you are not
interested in dummy buyers