This App Cash Priates may appear to be very appealing as it offers to provide you with few bucks , which seems to be achievable very easily . But its not that easy and moreover you cannot stay dependent on this app for long .
DONT GO BY ITS RATING AND REVIEWS IN THE PLAYSTORE. However the rating of the app is very high in playstore and its having very few negative review . But guys dont be fooled by this . Trust me ! I have tried this app and it gave me nothing in return. The reviews may be paid reviews and rating according to me.
3 drawbacks of the app.
First , it gives very less number of tasks and I have to wait longer for other tasks .
Second, sometimes even after installing apps of some . Say 80mb and playing, using or registering for 3-4 days it did not give me any points.
Third , INSTEAD IT WILL DRAIN YOUR DATA AND POCKET MONEY INDIRECTLYas you will download apps of more than 100 mb which most probably comes from your data pack . And of course data pack is your money or pocket money .
The app may be good for few but to many its just a waste of time, data and money.
If you wont advice from me NEVER TRY THIS.
Thank you,
Killer_ Sky.