You cant expect anything from your online purchase except your purchased things. If you get cash back on your every online purchase, who wouldnt love it. Cashback is one those websites which gives you cash back in terms of real cash against your purchase. One needs to register on this website and go to the buying website through them. There are different cash back for various sites and you can earn through referrals also. When you collect a minimum of Rs. 250 in Confirmed cash back we can pay the money to your Indian bank account by NEFT or by cheque(admin charge of Rs. 30 will be deducted from your cashback amount). You need a minimum of Rs. 250 as Confirmed cashback for each payment request.
The idea is very good and I am loving it. I am buying things online through this website for the last one year and I have saved through cash back about Rs2500. Yes, there is one condition, you have to patient and wait for cash back amounts. The delay can run over even three months.
But worth buying.