They advertise high cashback offers, but in reality they never provide the same.
First of all they never tracked your cash back, you have to file a request in their cr@p missing cashback ticket system in which first they sent the ticket to the retailer for 30-45 days, so lets go to hibernation for 45 days, because dont you expect response even a 1 day before.
So after bugging them in Facebook page and through email, they will track your cash back successfully and put confirmation date of next 3 months.
You are still happy that atleast you are getting something. But the original ponzi scheme came when the confirmation date came, On confirmation date when you asked why my cash back isnt confirmed yet?
They came up with an excuse the retailer dint paid us now, the retailer will pay in 7 days and same will be updated in your account.
Alright if a person can wait 3 months he/she can wait for another 7 days, no biggie, But when 7 days are also over they come up with another excuse saying, now the paying cycle of retailer ends and now retailer will pay them in next payment cycle, which is again 30-45 days. SHAME
This is a another scam website and nothing else. So I suggest you guys to stay away from this website, because eventually you will get nothing.
Attached is the screenshot of my transaction in which confirmation date was 4 December 2014, but its still showing in pending.
And CASH KARO, please have some shame stop writing positive reviews by yourself, Mouthshut automatically showing them as FAKE. All the below positive reviews have a FAKE TAG in it.