BEWARE - Ive seen some opinions by members, both on here and on other sites that indicate that this SCAM Company have started up again.
Cashfiesta - you know the Surfbar with the little man that falls asleep all the time. Laugh, oh yeah, when hes asleep you arent earning - But the truth of the matter is, you arent earning when hes awake either!
This company were going to be the shining light in the ‘Paid to Surf’ industry a year ago. They were British, for a start, they had a different looking Surfbar – the ‘Fiesta Bar’ which showed your stats real time as you surfed. The little Fiestaman I mentioned, ‘fell asleep’ if you were not ‘on the clock’ and earning, but as soon as adverts were shown there he was perking up and your balance was ticking over nicely
They rushed the release of the Fiesta Bar to members who grabbed it avidly and began to surf their way to riches. Downlines of massive proportions were built and members waited for the payout rate to be determined and the cheques to start to flow.
That’s where the problems started…..
First of all, payrates were not quite what was promised – around 20c an hour at first. Then, towards the end of the Summer came the announcement of a payrate of NIL. Cashfiesta announced that their advertisers had withdrawn – en masse - because too many people were cheating Cashfiesta. They blamed their lack of advertisers on us, the members. We were all cheating. Accounts got cancelled – often for no apparent reason. That little man on the Fiesta Bar was asleep more often than he was awake!.
True, there are cheats everywhere, but they are in the marketplace and they know what may happen. So you take precautions and set up proper anti-cheat security within the system, dont you?
My main gripe (and other people’s too) with Cashfiesta was the lack of adverts that were on the viewbar, as we only get paid when there are adverts on the bar, this is bad. I timed the bar over for over 4 hours at one time and it was inactive of adverts 70% of the time. Then their server was down 60% of the time over a week period. I emailed them about this and 1 week later they confirmed they had yet to setup the hardware to have the server up 24hrs a day.
Pathetic! But worse was to come…..
The email came saying they cannot pay anyone money for a fair while !? WHAT? Did I read this correctly? They will not be paying money out for a while? This is bad, I mean why are we wasting time viewing their adbar if this is the case?
I was also concerned about companies that pay you ‘a percentage of their revenue’.
• “At the end of the month we determine the pay rate based on how many hours everyone surfed and our advertising revenues. We then determine the pay rate and send out the checks. You can always check for the current rates in the Members Area of”.
In Cashfiesta’s case, they were saying their Ad Revenue was NIL, therefore we, as members, would be paid…NIL.
But there is still worse to come….
In their wisdom, Cashfiesta decided to concentrate their efforts on the US market, therefore only provide adverts for US members. UK and other international members don’t get to see adverts, therefore don’t get a share of the revenue pool. Yet they continue to advertise their services
But there is YET more ‘worse’ to come….
I know someone who is taking Cashfiesta to court over falsely accusing her of cheating, cancelling her account and forfeiting the $150 or so earned in the program.
Unfortunately she had a little trouble tracking the company down. First told by the company’s CEO by email they were in New Bond Street, London – she visited the premises with her Legal Adviser. ‘Nope they are not here’ she was told by the occupant, who was helpful and understanding after she told him her predicament. She is now pursuing the avenue that they have moved on and are now based in San Francisco, USA – after all that’s where the Ad revenue is supposed to be.
Looks like they’ve ‘done a runner’ – either way they are hard to pin down. Untrustworthy and with patently a flawed, if not, failed Business model, yet as I said, uninformed members continue to promote this program.
I understand from several sources that Cashfiesta has started up again. The previous members of this company will tell you all kinds of bad stories. Certainly they have NOT PAID ANYONE Fot over a Year!!!! It is now regarded in the Paid to/Rewards Schemes circles as one of the worst SCAMS there has been in the Industry.
That poor little man on the FiestaBar who falls asleep? - well I think he should be laid to rest for good.