I know I am late!! Well quite frankly, it took a lot of convincing on my friends part to drag me to watch this flick.. Y?? Cause I like many others believed that Daniel Craig would S@#$K at playing bond!!
Yes!! u see that word back there?? "Believed"... Precisely!! I was WRONG!!! Craig is by far the best bond ive seen!! and I aint just copying the critics here.. Yeah so he looks like a rogue outta prison but thats the new image and IT.. IS.. SPECTACULAR!!
Craig shows that bond is BOND even wothout the classy gadgets plus theres one thing the new bond can do that the old one couldnt.... FIGHT!!! Yup!! From the beginning to the end ur gonna see some Kickass Action!!
I aint gonna write anything else.. Trust me.. I would be spoiling the fun if I do!!
"Trust me!! dont be sceptical no more!! " Thats form one bond fan to another.. U wont be disappointed!!