The darkest hour of us Bond fans has befallen. For I can see anything but the Bond charishma in Casino Royale. So what if the Gizmos, cars, blond bombshells and stunts and appeal are there as usual? And so what if some wet behind the ears folk luv an all new rather unBond flavor? Im sure most Bond fans whove been around long enough, and who know their facts, will be a tad dismayed. Let us make no mistake that with James Bond the character itself and its ambience is larger than the movie or anything else for that matter. And that is precisely where calamity has struck, for this movie is anything but a Bond movie. Why?
Here is an actor who is anything but James Bond. He doesnt look like Bond, speak or carry himself like the gentlemanly suave British Spy we are so used to. Wheres the man who is quite famous for his sartorical humour and lethal charm? Daniel Craig is a very poor actor (not just CR). Not only hes a huge misfit with a large deadpan stone face, his acting skills have simply tied a lead ball to an already sinking endeavor. With that cruel, impassive montone expression hes a dead beat. All brawn and builly? Thats so not Bond! No Q"? So unBond again. Rubbish! Loads of Hogwash! Characters like James Bond and Sherlock Homles are legends-- You dont mess about with their uniqueness. You dont try fitting round pegs in a square gap when dealing with them. You paint the character as the character has always demanded-- No more, no less. Casino Royales Daniel Craig has successfully destructed the very essence-- the central theme that had made Bond such a hit for over half a decade.
Watch it as a good action flick. But Bond movie? Perish the thought and hope that better sense prevails sometime. Now lets see what the fracccas is all about:
CASINOROYALE is based on Ian Flemings novel of the same name. Published in 1953, itwas the first book in his James Bond series. However in this latest dish out, the script plot has been modernised and is a tad different from the original theme.
Bonds first 007 mission takes him to Madagascar where he is to spy on aterrorist, MOLLAKA (Sebastien Foucan). Not everything goes to plan and Bonddecides to investigate, independently of MI6, in order to track down the restof the terrorist cell. Following a lead to the Bahamas, he encounters DIMITRIOS(Simon Abkarian) and his girlfriend, SOLANGE (Caterina Murino). He learns thatDimitrios is involved with LE CHIFFRE (Mads Mikkelsen), banker to the worldsterrorist organizations. SecretService intelligence reveals that Le Chiffre is planning to raise money in ahigh-stakes poker game in Montenegro at Le Casino royale. MI6 assigns 007 toplay against him, knowing that is Le Chiffre loses, it will destroy hisorganisation. InMontenegro, Bond allies himself with MATHIS (Giancarlo Giannini) MI6s localfield agent, and FELIX LEITER (Jeffrey Wright) who is representing theinterests of the CIA. The marathon game proceeds with dirty tricks andviolence, raising the stakes beyond blood money and reaching the climax.
Plot was okay by Bond standards. It is the main character where it falls flat. Maybe its not Daniel boys fault- he needs the money. But James Bond was no where to be seen. No siree. This muscle man assassin is not Bond! Shove it right up Ms. Brocollis A#$%. This was her bright idea all along. God damn!
NB-- Me and my friends (all die hard Bond fans) boycotted the theatres as we didnt want to add to the producers kitty. We watched it on a disk. Will continue to do so until Bond is resurrected. Thats our protest.