It took a long time to get this window downloaded... anyways... I saw casino royale although not a bond fan , just wanted to see the new bond and trust me I wasnt dissapointed.. I saw few earlier bond movies but I never loved them. they r lil boring and dont have much of engaging power..u cant see gadgets n babes all the time , screen play n plot does matter.. especially the way movie is directed...
hes a total breakaway from predecessors... its a new bond whos not a classy, sophisticated spy who saves the day by all fancy gadgets also this one is not a babe freak .more Ghati style than ever, using Mus-Cle power to get things done. hes a crazy spy just pomoted to OO double O category. hes arrogant. wud put everything at stake for his job.. be it his balls or his darlin. best part is that plot takes lots of twists n turns u never know when it is supposed to end but u wud leave the theatre with satisfaction. This movie is for people who have seen other Bond Movie but would like to appreciate the NEW LOOK. I like the story and the BOND.
If u see the heroine is not a hottie.. she nice but not Bond types.
For ppl in VISUAL COMMUNICATION FIELD (animation , graphics etc) dont miss the opening animation of the movie.
Action is great, worth watchin is the Chase scene in the begining of the movie
Just Watch it once , atleast.
I assure u of full TP.
meet u again someday