The Bond books are great. The movies, though more popular than the books, primarily had few themes - semi-naked girls, good west vs. bad east(cold war terminology i.e.), A Bond who can get whatever he wants, just by chasing around in cars. Thats all there was to Bond, until "Casino Roayale" with Daniel Craig came up.
With this movie, Bond became more of a normal human being. The Girls actually are able to talk back and make him speechless, the gadgets became normal - making Bond think about improvizing what he got, and the theme became a bit more serious than the earlier flicks. Bonds personality is somewhat darker now, more in tune with the books, and Daniel Craig plays this reinvented Bond to near perfection. The dialogs in this move are much more hard hitting, and sensible than in earlier Bond movies, and so is the general plot.
The movie has been throughly reviewed by other reviewers so I will not repeat the same stuff a millionth time:-) So relax, you dont have to worry about the impending feeling of deja vu. I will stop by saying that if you like action, adventure, or just plain fun, and if you have never been as fond of Bond movies as many others were, take a look at "Casino Royal", you will certainly like this one.