I have this camera since past 2 years and it has proved to be really good. Ease in taking picturesa nd ease in downloading it. Also has a variety of features to help taking a good snap. Its JPEG(Exif, Ver. 2.2), AVI(Motion JPEG), WAV(mono), DPOF- und DCF-Complient. Image: 2, 560 x 1, 920, 2, 560 x 1, 712(3:2), 2, 048 x 1, 536, 1, 600 x 1, 200, 1, 280 x 960, 640 x 480, single image
Movie with sound: 320 x 240, 15fps. Can record movies till the storage space is available.
It has Single image, BESTSHOT(23 pre-recorded scenes), single image with voice(max. approx. 30 sec./image), self-timer, movie with sound, macro, auto macro, voice recording. Comes with a cool docking station. The screen is pretty big - around 2". Very easy to navigate between different modes.
The lens is Pentax - opens and closes automatically. once it got jammed but managed to correct itself. Movies recorded dont look so good on a full screen(TV) but good enough to watch on a computer. Battery(Lithum-Ion battery) has been fantastic. Runs for very long and charging is quick too. Date and time recorded with image data; auto calendar up to 2049.
Good one for non-pofessionals and poeple who want a good snap by just clicking and not bothering about the lights.