There is a general tendency in any human being. One always looks out for versatality in a single instrument than versatality in choices. I mean, everyone would want something that is compact, technologically a marvel, sleek, easy to handle and above all priced moderately. The same thing applies to the field of calculators. Basically, not all calculators come with the same amount of comprehensiveness as some do. That is why, there are so many models of calculators and yet none being complete enough in terms of functions.
Well, the model of calculator I am going to talk about is something that has all the qualities in one. Say an all in one calculator. This is something that has been very useful for me. This probably is the best purchase online for me. Well, I am talking about the Casio fx-991W, a calculator with some amazing features, functions and a lot more.
Basically, there are two types of Calculator usage. One is the physical usage where you normally use constants and simple multiplicative techniques using formulae. The other is the mathematical usage where in more of trigonometry, regressions etc., come into play. Now this is a calculator that tackles both kind of problems. Let us explore.
The Design: The Casio fx-991W comes with the best design among all engineering calculators. Somewhat similar to Casio fx-300s, this calculator is slim, sleek and tidily designed. With a dual power system, an auto-off is incorporated. This enables you to save power by not using much of a battery. The solar panel will take care of it. With the usual trademark hard, scratch-proof case, this calculator is pretty strong as for as design is concerned. The keys also so vividly describe the benchmark, Casio has set itself. With the most user friendly keys among all models, they come with protective notches and thus helps in the user not going wrong anywhere. You ask about this calculators design, I give it full marks.
The Functions: The calculator is basically equipped with all the functions that satisfy the norms of the AICTE. When I say this, I mean there is nothing at all left out. You have the basic calculations, the trigonometric and inverse functions, the hyperbolic functions, squares, cubes and roots, logarithmic and exponential functions, base-n conversions, logical operations, standard deviation, linear regression, engineering-mode calculations and what not. The calculator comes with a special feature and that is the Integration function. The calci is capable of calculating definite integrals over a wide range of parameters or say expressions. This gives one an edge in integration for sure. Then there is the Random number options.
To sum it up, this calculator is feature filled for sure.
What Special?: The most striking and special feature of this calculator is the constants. The calci has a total of 46 stored constants. Normally in physical operations, one get to do calculations using constants like Gas constant, Gravitational constant, Electron Mass, Proton mass and many more. Usually one has to memorize this or refer to a Clarkes book. But having this calculator gives one that additional opportunity to directly have the constants displayed on the application of a button. Now this is simply superb. This in a sense solves all the problems a student faces in terms of calculation. This special feature sets the calculator apart from the rest by a long way.
Memory and Speed: The calculator with so much constants stored in it supports a total memory of 10 numbers and 1 formula memory. This I believe is more than sufficient for anybody. The processing speed is the best among all calculators from Casio. Being the most superior of all the models, this calculator is rightly endowed with the fastest calculation ability. One is left with no regrets in case of memory and speed.
Should you go for it?: Well, from the above, it must already be clear that this calculator is the most superior of all and so one definitely would be tempted to go for it. But there is one bitter fact that one has to accept. The AICTE (All India Council for Technical Education) doesnt recommend any calculator with Constant Memory. So one definitely cannot use this calculator for the purpose of examination. But for general uses in the classroom, wow.....this is a superb machine. With its user friendly interface and design the calculator certainly rocks. In my opinion, one can certainly put his money on this calculator for the functions and the speed it provides. The Casio fx-991W is certainly a superior calculator and I would strongly recommend this to any budding engineer.