Cast Away - it refers to a person who abandoned on a lonely island.
the story goes around a Guy Chuck Noland(Tom Hanks) who playd a role of a FedEx guy, very stern, meticulous about the time management, wanted to make use of every second.
unfortunately one day his carrier FedEx 88 crashes in the Pacific Ocean. he somehow manages to survive in the tempest and reaches to a remote island. for 4 years he couldnot make it to reach his place back. in these years , hesurvived on coconuts and crabs, fishes. this movies gives a message that no person can live without a society , as he painted a face of a man and named wilson, through his ordeal, he conversed with wilson and carried a hope that his wife Kelly would be waiting for him, it kept his spirit alive. finally he decided to make a canoe wic cud lead him to the man s land and succeed in it. after a struggle with the wicked ocean, he was saved by a cargo ship sailing in the pacific ocean. but theres again a twist in the story. as he reaches to his town, he came to know that his wife kelly got married to another guy, it wasvery disappointing for him. but he didnt lose his heart as he has learnt that every tide in life brings something unexpected to us. so may be there is something waiting for him. and finally he starts living a happy life .
so the moral of the story is never give up in life as no one knows wat wud be there for us in the next moment. also the life is full of obstacles. be ready to face the calamities in life, as they headed by the happy moments.
cheers !!!!!!