Must read for those interested in understanding the intricacies of the human behavior.Yossarian, the central and only sane character in this book, is at the center around which all other characters contrast as insane in same way or another - the human nature is deeply explored in this book.
The book is one of the best satire ever written on the human nature. The events in this book are mostly a result of greed and ambition of the superiors and how it destroys the lives of many. The book is based on the World War II but it is only a premise to explore human nature at its most vulnerable form.
The tough part is to get used to the fuzzy timelines in most part of this book. The author jumps from one time to another without warning and it can get a little confusing at the beginning but it becomes a delight after the first couple of chapters.
It is hilarious in most parts, especially the dialogues of all the crazy characters. It is also full of surprises and there is one at the end of every chapter.
Lastly, not a book for those who prefer simple leisure reading. Its full of English words which are hardly used these days, the paragraphs extend to couple of pages at times, and only an attentive reader can enjoy this book at its fullest.