The catch me if you can story is based on a true story and a laugh riot. Leonardo Dicaprio is believable as a guy that can convince people that hes a Doctor, Lawyer, Co-pilot and School Teacher. Dicaprios acting is superb, and totally believable as a man who could lie to, deceive, and con everyone he met without once losing any of his charisma. Directed by Steven Spielberg, this movie also have Tom Hanks, one of the finest actor in Hollywood make this movie more awesome. A academy award winning Director and two Academy Award Winning actor and you still want me give you review about this film. There are very few movies in which we find finest actors and director. and this move has everything. A good story, finest actor and a spectacular director.
Leonardo DiCaprio stars as Frank Abagnale, Jr., a real-life teen-aged con man. He is chased by a rigidly rule-bound F.B.I. agent, Carl Hanratty(Tom Hanks). There are numerous scene where Leo is making fools to the people. You should watch this to know that how a team of academy award winner can bring a movie to a whole new level.