I should say at the outset that this is not strictly about the movie, so if I am violating any understood norm of conduct in Mouth Shut, plz forgive me.
that said, I can unburden my soul:) what really upset me about the movie was the fact that women were portrayed so shabbily throughout the movie. u have the cheating mother who fails to adequately care for her son and finally abandons him to his fate (and to make it worse, does it even without realizing that shes dooming her son). the scene in which Leo looks into the house and sees the moms new family comes to mind.
then u have the completely vacuous girlfriend who seems to be unable to string together two coherent consecutive words-- forget about thoughts. and throughout the movie, these gorgeous barbie lookalike airheads wander in and out just waiting to be complete fools out of.
no one wants to see movies with the life bleached out of them by political correctness, but, there was no need for the film to make almost every woman look like a hopeless nincompoop. one has come to expect it of run of the mill movies but it was really really bad to have to watch in a movie with some of the greatest actors and director in Hollywood.
the movie itself was just about passable. the story was great, it had a fabulous cast, arguably Hollywoods greatest director and yet is somehow didnt manage to pull it off. it was a good movie, but the point is, that with all the things it had going for it, it could have been a great one.