This book really has depth. Its about a guy whos completely disgusted and tired with life and everything and everyone he sees around him. He finds some annoying habit with most of his schoolmates and has no real purpose in life. He just walks about the streets or sits in one place thinking about the funny and sad aspects of life and tries to get some joy out of life, either by calling up his old friends one by one or by visiting places hes been before.
The sad part is, no matter how much the guy wants life to be different, it just stays the same- the old friends of his still have the same annoying old habits and the places he goes to dont cheer him up when he gets there. You could say hes more excited with the idea of visiting someone or going someplace than actually doing it.
The book starts when hes just been kicked out of his most recent school (hes been kicked out of others). He then decides to leave the school and go to the big city for a few days instead of going straight home. In the process, what follows is a disaster, a series of depressing events that only makes this guy feel worse about himself and others. His only consolation and hope in life is the happiness of his little sister whom he totally admires.
Even though we come across a lot of intelligent observations about people and life by the young boy in this book, we cant help feeling sorry for him. This book is considered to be depressing to most people. I did find it most realistic and on the introspective side however.