Yeah-what is wrong there with the world?catcher in the rye is an all time great by any standard and only nine reviews that too some of them dont share their opinions with me.
Agreed, people are free to express their opinions but I cant accept just any opinion on catcher....Its a great book. The book is a cute little story of a little boy who is on a journey of his own. He is innocent but doesnt share my opinion. He describes the world the way he sees it and of course the way he has learnt about things. He is confident about his observations and doesnt believe in any world that boasts of any better principles than he believes in.
And why-how do you think a sixteen year old lad would describe the world ? Just like JD salinger has done in this book. And can one miss the sarcasm in the lines ? The beauty is that you just cant ignore his comments on the things around by saying that he is just a child. No that would be too presumptuous. The world is a confusing place-one spends the whole life and still cant figure out the meaning of world. Then shouldnt we give Holden a fair trial ?
Moreover-as a piece of art, the book is excellent. It evokes all the emotions in a reader-sympathy, guilt, love, hopelessness etc. It makes you laugh, is an easy read, gives you a break and revive the child in you. It makes you cry when Holden meets his little sister and the love they share is amazing and so pure. Personally-my favourite scene in the novel is when Holdens sis follows him and tries to convince him that she wont be happy without him.
Then there are the descriptions of Holdens boarding days. Those who have not been to boarding would find it tough to relate with but the sarcasm here is simply brilliant.
In all-its a good book. The book is dirt cheap and can be bought from anywhere..buyit, , read it and decide for yourself. Its any time better than watching Friends...if you are seeking fun.