After reading all the reviews of ccavenue. I am nothing but disgusted. There is typical trait of all us Indians. If there is a slight bit negative in anything.we go all to vent out our negativity( everywhere and everywhere!) and if there is anything positive. we dont have the time to acknowledge the good thing about it and take out the time to give out our dues for the excellent service or thing received. Maybe we all should read this post by our great former president Dr. Abdul Kalam " Why we Indians are so negative?" .
Coming to ccavenue, I want all of you to know that I am using their services for the last six years now and I am very happy with their professional services. I also know that thousands of websites are using ccavenue but no one has time to come here to Mouthshut and rate their services. Their backend reporting system is absolutely amazing(compared to PayPal) which I had used briefly a few years back. Their ever increasing bouqet of payment options has actually corresponded to increase sales of my gifting products. I am now doing sepcial PPC campaigns of google now even for local indian states and their local festivals. Earlier I was just focussed on the NRI gifting sector but now 70% of my sales come from local Indian sales thanks to CCAvenues ability to collect payments through more than now(I guess) thirty and more banks. CCavenue also helped me market my products through three banks(banks actually send out my product offers to their net banking base(millions of their customers) at free of cost! That is going beyond the role of a typical payment gateway. I would like to acknowledge the services given by their support staff especially Agnes and Govindraj and also their Accounts staff especially Mr Ganesh. I have would also like to state that I have received ontime payments since the last 6 years with not a single day delay. Also I have not recieved any chargebacks thanks to the free risk manangement done by them and I blindly follow their flagging system which is very good. I strongly recommed them!