This is a request to all the parents not to admit their child in this school. My wife was a teacher in this school(Marathalli and later Kaggadasapura, Bangalore). Your childs life will be totally destroyed. My wife served 1 year in this school as an English teacher. She joined Marathalli branch, but later got internal transfer. Last February, she put her resignation and served 2 months notice period as per their rule. But school doesnt have the little ethical value of clearing the teachers salary for the last month. That is also without citing any reason.
How you people can think that the school can teach your child the ethics, value which is also required later in their life. Dont be cheated by their claim of mentoring your child for IIT/ JEE / Olympiad. All these are bogus claims. They will try to make your child a machine and that doesnt help them to nourish their mind for lateral thinking. But this is the most required for each of the people in the later work career.