IN..DIA merely a name to the world and nothing else ...... when comes to say something about Indian womens hockey ....that is how Kabir Khan (character enacted by Sharukh) describes pethetic plight of womens hockey in India . Sachin should be out as he fails to deliver in crucial momments..Sania will no. 1 tennis player one day..............
Even we express our resentment on elimination of Dhanraj Pillai from national hockey team but when comes Womens hockey team ........we dont have ny opinion , , we dont have ny dream, , , , , we have no complaints .And to make movie on such sub. really requires great enterprise.......and THUMS UP FOR THE COURAGEOUS EFFORT BY YASHRAJ BANNER............
GREAT JOB PLOT: CHAK story of Kabir Khan , the captain of Indian hockey team, who fails to score crucial goal against old rival Pak.Indian team gets defeated and Kabir Khan pays price for the defeat.......he is thrown out of his colony , he is called traitor , even people starts hating his name..Kabir returns back to arena of hockey after 7 years finding challenging opportunity to coach the impossible Womenshockey team.
He badly wants to prove his loyalty for India and so trains the team rigorously .His job gets tougher due to non-serious hockey association n non supportive senior players of the team.Blot of traitor on Kabir Khan often haunts Kabir n this adds greater challenge to the profession .So CHAK DE..... depicts journey of a man from failure to success.
STAR CAST : Sharukh as Kabir Khan has done full justice to the character .Sixteen girls as team members adds colour to the plot .They have enacted their role quite proficiently.There is presumptuous Vindya Nayak, strong n hepty Balwinder Kaur , cute Preti Sabrawal and the captain of Indian hockey team , role enacted by Vidya Malvade.......n others.These girls show various emotions on the screen hold u to ur seats.They have done wonderful job.
COMMENT: Though the movie doesnt has the intensity of LAGAN but has lots of exciting actions that will hold your breath. CHAK DE....touches heart through some intense dialogue as"kya aap apne desh me mehman ban kar kush honge " and I bate u , u wont forget Kabir addressing the team in final momments ..........those inspirational words that say-"if every player of this team plays best hockey for next 70 min., even god cannt stop you to win world cup".
Although Kabir Khan may not appear as intense as character of Amitabh in BLACK , it successfully displays tactful mentorship. The film beautifully presents management skills to motivate team in stressful situation and delivers the message that NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE.So , go and watch CHAK DE INDIA bcoz its unique ------- it has no "always romantic and emotional Sharukh" it has no latka and jhatka it has sixteen girls who will make you laugh , who will make you cry and hold to you to your seat when they play hockey. overall it has a unique subject