Chalte Chalte, briefly transalted into While Walking could also have been called Chalta Hai, or so so. I admit, I was very keyed up by the idea of going for a hindi movie, which I dont do very often. So a friend and I had tickets, and watched the ovie from the fourth row.(And no, its not much better close up!)
The first half of the movie, though predictable, is promising. Theres Shah Rukh Khan, in all his glory, bad teeth and all. And theres Rani Mukherjee, who has lost a TON of weight, and actually looks her part. So the two do improbable things, like go on truck rides where shes wearing a short! skirt! I ask you, is that or is that not dumb? In the middle of farmland India no less! Then they lose touch, more accurately Raj(Shah rukh) loses Priyas(Rani Mukherjees) nUmber, and involves the entire neighbourhood in a traffic stopping song and dance number, after which Priya appears and announces shes going to be married.
Ok, I wont reveal anymore of the story, lets just say, for a movie about post marital tension, most of it seems to be about their pre marital love affair. (And as youve probably guessed Priya doesnt get married to her childhood buddy, lovely lovely Jass Arora)
And oh my god, the amount of glcyrine used is incredible! The second half has both of them crying at a drop of a hat, and no disrespect to Shah Rukh, I think hes an incredible actor and all, but he looks really strange when he cries!
Worth a watch? Um.. maybe, if you have not much else to do. Though my friend and I did have alot of fun placing bets on what was going to happen next. Also a word of advice, NOT a movie for the man in your life, leave him at home and take the girls instead!
P.s, for a hindi movie, theres a lot of sex, implied or otherwise!!!!