Thanks to mouthshut for including this product, wish they had uploaded the picture too.......makes it look more cute and colourful
CHAMPAKis one of the oldest children stories magazine and I think one of the most loved too, I mean who hasnt read CHAMPAK? CHAMPAK reminds you of your childhood and those carefree, fun-filled days of your life, when you had all the fun in the world. When I was a child, CHAMPAK (magazine ofcourse) used to be my best friend and I use to be crazy about it. Infact I used to have fights with my brother, as to who will read it first, when we use to buy it! So Id say CHAMPAK(such a cute name for a magazine, thats why I like using the name again and again) is kind of synonymous with your childhood. But though CHAMPAK is a childrens magazine, I think it can be enjoyed by people of all age groups, I still love it.
VISHWA NATH was the man behind Champak, he thought of giving the children some fun through this magazine. He was the editor and publisher of CHAMPAK...........and its a product of DELHI PRESS PATRA PRAKASHAN pvt ltd, along with magazines like SARITA, GREHSHOBHA, WOMANs ERA, SARAS SAHELI etc. I dont know exactly when the first edition of this magazine came out, but I do think it is coming out from a long time...............and still is one of the most liked and loved magazine. Now the man incharge of CHAMPAK is PARESH NATH.
What does this magazine contain? Actually there are lot of stuff inside to keep you hooked and entertained...........stories, riddles, puzzles, jokes, cartoons and lots of other thing.. On the index page you get to know about all that is in the magzine and on what page. of CHAMPAK, is very cute, kiddish ofcourse but it never fails to bring a smile on your face. I remember when I was a kid, there was this one cover which I will always remember where an elephant is made to look like a doctor, it is wearing an apron, there is a statiscope around his neck and he is carrying a was so imaginative and endearing, that I just cannot forget that cover. They really do make some memorable covers, makes you buy their magazine instantly.
Stories in CHAMPAK.....................are original stories, written by common man, anybody can send their stories to the editor and then hell decide whether he wants to publish it or not................and though the stories in CHAMPAK are comical but are very heartwarming with a lot of wit and wisdom, contained in them. Most of the stories in CHAMPAKare animal based set in CHAMPAKVAN. Most of these stories are centred around SHER, CHEETAH, KHARGOSH, LOMRI, SIYAR.
I also love the pictures that they use for the stories...............they are sooo cute, the expressions on those animals face is just brilliant. Apart from that I love the DEKHO HAS NA DENA COLUMN, RIDDLES (PAHELI) and my most favourite column being the NANHI KALAM SE, where in there is a short story, few riddles and puzzles. Its nomally very good, ya I also love CHEEKU-the KHARGOSH. Though CHAMPAK is a CHILDRENs magazine (age group 7-10) but there are some so interesting articles, that you can learn a bit or too from them yourselves.
I personally used to luv the DEKHO HANS NA DENA section, there were some so funny, illogical jokes in them................that you could do nothing but laugh! There was this one joke which I still remember, where the child says to his mother mummy kyon parashan ho? and she replies beta dood phat gaya hai and he replies backlao abhi darji se silva lata hoon...........very illogical but very funny, at that time.
Also used to like the stories, some were very inspiring..............where one used to get some message, and morals.
CHAMPAK is a forthnightly magazine and costs RS 10. It comes out in lotsa languges, the more popular one being in hindi and english. But if you want to have real fun reading the HINDI VERSION. You can buy it from paper vendors and also at railway stations, they have a vast collection. I always make it a point to buy it when I am travelling.
I use to love CHAMPAK..................when I was a kid, still do, I think I have almost all th editions of this magazine. It is addictive............dont beleive me buy a copy and see if you can leave it halfway, its kind of a light magazine, will make you relax.