Hello this is Jeet here For some extra earning I installed champcash application On my android mobile becouse one of my social media friend refer me and request to try it. so I Installed and try to use but after installing it it says to be activating your ID you must want to install 8-10 application then your ID will be show active and they pay 1 dollar to completing task so I complete my task and and for Income I must want to refer it to others so I start reffering it to others after 2 months I refer it to my 250+ Friends but overall my income after refering it to 250+ members is only 6$. because it pay so low amount if we calculate our income and our expense which we spent on promotion of this Application it is our lose .Its waste of my 3 months also dont have so much opportunities to earn extra income. also want to face so many difficulties to Install applications .also there is no guarantee to income from refering also no any fixed income plan. so dont waste your time