As so many of friend told me , advice me or suggest me this app And specially my friend suggested me to write review on this app on monthshut so I write here we Go: -
I am seeing lots of refferal ads on every where even in playstore rating and comment place of any app . Its crazy recently I seen one of the person write ad of campcash in the place of review in mouthshut I laugh a lot seriously , so I download the campcash app sign up I dont have sponser id so I check on the playstore I see some of the people write there sponser id in cmt and rating so I put the sponser id, with out sponser id you cant sign up , and verify my no.
I got 1$ I really fell happy ( balle balle) I got 1$ , then I go to complete the chellenge I see that they are saying download 8 app to complete the chellege so I download 5 app I think 3 app I download tommorow , next day I see that 8 app of download , I really frustate because I wasted around 100mb to download 5 app , so I redownload 8 app because I want to unlock my dashboard, after download app you unlock the dashboad champcash policy and I download 8 app or complete then the refferal one get 1$ at last I unlock the dash board I refferal to my dad and by causin champcash app my dad complete all chellege download all the app but I cant get any single credit because my father phone hangs my father cant register the one of the app , ok then my causin complete the chellenge I got 0.100 $ so I go to app download 1 download rm app but cant get creadit . So I call to champcash no. Not availabe, whats app campash around 4-5 msg 1 reply again 5-6 msg send cant replay then I call to sponser id person , person not availabe in call so I turn off champcash
Resion why dont download this app
1) Security issue - supose a girl join champcash she share sponser id to any one , then there phone no. Is also go with the sponser id and anyone can also call her disturb her in the name of campcash
2) I didnt think so you give credit of download the app because I do I cant get
3) not provide proper guide line in any where wheather in call or whatsapp
4) advertise any where I have a web page I see that some people post campcash ad there
5) chellage of download 7-8 app then the sponser get creadit
6) you have atlest 10$ for redumption suddly I have 1$ I go for redumption to do recharge but recharge not held
I am not write walger about the app I write only my true and honest review here because some of the people trust my review and rate and cmt also