I have been using champcash app since tree months by my friend refferd link.This is mainly depend on to invite and earn.I was faced many problems by using this app.because in this app we must to invite others then we got 0.100$ -200 for one each person.But in this app they said you can earn 1$ for inviting people to download complete task.but it pays very less .when I reffered my friend he downloaded and he did complete task but I had got only 0.180$. Then when I reffered the second friend he downloaded and he did complete task then I got .140$.So friends see the results for earning money.day by its paying is decressing.Many people have facing these type of problem who are the memebers in champcash.And also it has mentioned so many conditions to download.you must have 3g or 4g network, and also not support all mobiles .you must have to support 3g or 4g mobiles.you must complete task( 8apps must download according their conditions) .If you dowloaded apps in privious no useful.We earn not only inviting and also watching videos on it.but in it doesnt comes any videos everyday.you can earn in servyes on it but it cannot qualify you in servyes.See friends its offered many offeres. but not working properly.so this is waste app .waste of money and date.