Champcash is an android app which tells that it offer s money in dollars by successfully refering their app and watching few videos and filling surveys.
Now I will tell you my experiece with this app
My friend referred me this app and asked me to install some apps which are recommended by champcash and unless we install those apps our account will not be activated so I installed those apps and then I got one dollar for installing those apps then thought of with drawing that one dollar but then it showed me stating that withdrawal will be possible only if our wallet is filled with 10 dollars.
Then I started refering my friends. I refered around 20 friends but I got only 3 dollar and filled many surveys but I havent got any reward for that.
So friends Champcash is totally fake and waste of time if you are really interested in earning money through online
There are many genuine website and apps like mouthshut and share your experience and knowledge and go for it.