My persnol experience about champcash. the claims made by the developers dont stand up to mathamatical ans finacial analysis comes across like a typical MLA scam to me othewise known as pyramids there is a general truth in scams that if it;ooks too goog to be amount of effort required ti make anything financially from this i, d suggest only the developers any scheem when you make money by referal and commisions means you will runout of referrals long before you make anything. my advice would be clearly if anyone outside india makes money who isnt employed by the company id be proved wrong but I doubt it. as a former froud investigator id makes judgement calls on fact nit hust gut feelings the facts I have seen dont stack with champcash.caannot say this is froud as such as ive not personally carried out a through investigation, but id certainly not have anything to do with champcash myself. so fiends finnaly I suggest you to dont belive such sites
thank you.