I must say that this serial is a threat to the society.
What sort of a theme are they using?
Actually, the wrters dont know where to guide the plot.They are just simply writing something what they feel without looking for its logiv.
We could see in this serial that small children are accusing and shouting at their parents.
Childrens in our home see this scenes and behave as them and they shout at the elders.
We must put a stop to this boring serials that are just mocking at the society for the purpose of money making.
The serial authorities had changed the main actress named Amritha due to her overacting and negative responses.
Uts been 4 years this serial started and from the time of their origin itself, they are making us bored.
I request everone to be alert and should make a stop against these barking dogs which are a threat to the society.