Chandigarh- The city beautiful. m a die hard fan of this city n born n brought up here only. sad part of the story I had to leave this city beautiful for my job.
the city has so many good things to boast of but to start with the best of the city lies in its planning as everyone else who so ever has seen it will agree.despite having the highest no of vehicles per person in india this citys roads are still free for encroachment(just kiddin), well this is a feature of the planning where despite increasing traffic the city still is almost free of jams(just think of jams in delhi). In some parts it has started but overall wonderful wide roads.
the next part of the planning lies in the division of the city into sectors and each sector has such a wonderful division of residential and commercial areas and facilities catering to almost almost everyone. there are amusement parks, gardens n rest all basic civil amenities. every sector has markets for high, middle and lower class of people, the center of attraction for the city being the beautifully designed buildings in various sectors of the city, be it university, be it the official complexes. the city boast of tourist spots like Rock garden n others.
the vicinity of hills make it a perfect place as far as environement is concerned, the lush greenery makes it the best place to be in. sad part of the story being the starting of slums in this beautiful city.
city has the latest of everything be it fashion, technology, studies, a thing n its there....... all those who are fed up with the roadblocks of delhi, time table life of bombay, crowds of other cities can come down to this city n njoy life like anything.ITS REALLY WONDERFUL.