We went in there last Friday and there was a power cut for the time till we were there. A big confusion inside there. all the customers kept waiting for their orders and there was no light at all.
The only source of light we had was our mobile lights. and god knows who provided those cheap candles there. those were just not good enough to give light for more than 10secs even.
After all this drama, finally one person from the mgmt arranged for the fuel, as this place runs on generator. it took almost 45mins to arrange for the same. inspite of having a petrol pump right opp.
The food is extremely overpriced. just not worth it. You can always opt to eat out in a nice AC place with less price. its disgusting!
And the taste is also not so great for the price they offer.
They have saved so much of money in making the place look colorfull by using the dirty duppattas which even smell of dust, but they cant provide a comfortable seating at all.
Its actually no less than a punishment to sit in such a place.
Its a nice place to go with someone, whom you always hated or you ever wanted to take anykind of revenge.
And the best part was the owner. a lady who sits in her cabin all throughout without even the slightest botheration to what her customers are going through.
It was no less than a hell. wont recommend this place to any of my friend.