I am not here to write any long story abt the movie.as I have already spend 3 hrs watching such a BAD HOPLESS CHARACTERLESS movie.
I am not expected such a big budget FLOP movie from a Akki . what a rubbish movie.!
Even dont spend your time while reading the other reviews. and also not good enough to watch on DVD.
Dont go for the movie and save your money.
what should I write abt the movie .if there is nothing in the movie. it is a cartoon movie and childish . ids movie. why ppl investor spend money on this kind of movie.
I know . I will not get any review ratings. but would like to save your money and thas it.
Dont go for the movie and save your money.
Dont go for the movie and save your money.
Dont go for the movie and save your money.
Dont go for the movie and save your money.
Some ppl mentioned that this is not a review but feelings. so for them. what exactly u want. should I discuss the characters and how they are badly portrait . abt the songs. unfunny moments.
generally I read review .just to decide whether to go for movie or not. and dont like to read the whole story.then there is no point going for the movie .
some one advice me the method to tear the movie. but for me. I willnot write.as there is nothing good to right . personal vire.that;s the review. if u disagree, . go n watch the movie.and then decide .
Let me menttion one more thing. I am fan of some of Akkis movie like.Khiladi. Aflatun. etc .
and not so fan of Skhan .but I liked RNBDJ .