May be too late for someone to contact you pertaining to the debacle of Chandni Chowk To China as it has already been crushed to powder after having been ripped into pieces by majority of people. And if you have noticed, it was a pleasure for few to do that for the reasons known to everyone.
I have been waiting for the CD/DVD of the film, which I could not get here until Channel COLOURS telecast this film few days back, which gave me the chance to watch it.
Forgetting all the reviews for CC2C, I sat in front of my TV with absolute fresh mind, fully ready to get entertained, which changed three hours later. Drastically.
As far as I understand comedy is a serious business. How serious were you when you decided to make this film? What else would you have expected when the combination of Warner Brothers & Ramesh Sippy picked you to direct the film & that too with Akshay Kumar in the lead, a man who gave a record number of hits in a row? A dream project for any director, am I wrong?
CC2C has shades of plenty of Chinese films where the villains take over the karate school or some place after killing the guru. The hero then learns martial arts from someone to take the revenge & we did get to see some funny scenes during his training sessions. At the end, the hero confronts the villain & finally good wins over evil. And the final fight was always a treat to watch.
Akshay Kumar was the apt choice for the role as his comic timing is brilliant & he can perform action scenes with panache. Had the screenplay been written with little care, the events of Akshay’s training would have been the show stealers, which were not done. Surprisingly no attention was paid to the stunt scenes either, which would have been cake walk for Akshay. Final fight was non effective.
The basic plot of Singh Is King was a straight lift from a Jackie Chan film & the screenplay was written keeping the strength of Akshay Kumar in mind & it worked big time. Had something similar been done with the script of CC2C, the result might have been different.
To me the treatment given to the subject looked like of the films made in the era of 70s, which seem to have back fired.
Yes, I did like the Great Wall of China, thanks. Actually besides Akshay Kumar if there was anything positive in the film, it was the Great Wall of China. Though Gordon Liu & Roger Yuan were ok too. I don’t want to talk much about the other star cast as there is nothing to say.
Why you didn’t utilize the full potential of Akshay Kumar is a mystery because he is one star who has the ability to carry the film on his shoulders.
2 stars - Just because of Akshay’s sincere performance & the Great Wall of China.
Was your debut film a fluke? Post watching CC2C this question has been haunting me. You are talented & can do it again, so roll up your sleeves & start doing your homework for your next project. Because you are as famous as your last innings & you failed twice. Aaj to aapke paas hai, who knows KAL HO NA HO.
A disappointed Ajeet Singh signing off & wishing you all the very best for your next venture.
Written without prejudice.