The show Chandra Nandini is the best history based serial of India continuing on star plus from Monday to Friday on 8.30pm for a time of half an hope. The story of the show is based on the great Maurya emperor Chandra Gupta Mauryas love life. This is one of the best tv show which I like very much. Basically the acting of Rajat Takes playing as the role of Chandra Gupt Maurya and his loved wife Nandini.
The acting part of the show is so good so that it gets highest TRP. The role of Chandra Gupt, Nandini, Helena, Mura, Durdhara, Dadi, Maha Padmanand and other co stars are playing their role beautifully.
But there is a disadvantage some part of this show is the history of Chandra Gupt showed wrongly which I have read in history is quite different from the original story.
Plot is so good enough on this show. So that this show gets the highest TRP.
Mass Appeal
Massive I appeal all the viewer of the show to see every episode of the show and give
your opinion honestly.
Look and feel
The show looks so good because this show made on a big budget. And I feel this show is a good show for every Indian.