When you write music for a movie that will reach as much ears as Chandramukhi, youre really wandering into unknown territory. After the failure of Baba, my expectations of this films album were really high. I assumed that they would go to deep lengths to keep everything about this film successful. Has Vidyasagar, replacing A.R. Rehman, managed to deliver? Well, lets see:
Devuda Devuda Ah, the Rajini opener. All of the openers since Annamalai, which started the trend, have been very listenable and had their own style each time, except for Baba, which completely went out of the style, and sounded ridiculous. Which confuses me as Rehman had no problem keeping it going with Muthu. But anyways, Vidyasagar opens the track with an orchestral opening, similar but not exactly up to Muthu. It does sound good and then is interrupted by some very fast beats (which carry the song). I have to say on the first few listens this song did not impress me at all, but after a while, it became sort of catchy, and sounded sort of like the old rajini (if not for the fast beats in the back). Overall, this song is probably a highlight in the track.
Konjam Neram As a romantic song, this song does have a very melidous and sweet tone to it. The opening is a beatiful melody, and the song carries a nice tone throughout. A good voice job from Ashu and Madhu in this song too. No doubt this is another highlight from the album.
Athithom For some reason I really appreciated this song because it sort of reminded me again, even more than Devuda, of earlier folk songs, which is what Vidyasagar was aiming for. It really has a pleasant undertone to it with some nice sounding flute inntervals. Also worth mentioning is SPBs great singing in the song, which really gives it the tone it was aiming for.
Kokku Para Para This is the song which comes on as they are flying kites, and it serves its pupose, I guess. It has a jumpy kind of feel it, and has a forgettable melody. The childrens vocals adds to the feel but I dont think this is a song I will listen to outside the movie.
Raa Raa I was surprised to see a Telegu song in a Tamil movie, and thats taking a risk when dealing with I said above about Rajini movies. This is a classical type piece, and I have to say I loved the introduction. It just had such a haunting and lovely aspect of the way it was put together. I just wish it had gone on a bit longer. However the vocal part are good too, and it has a very good sound to it.
Annanoda Paatu The beats in this song get very repetitive and dont sound very original. The song has a decent melody but is also easily forgettable.
So has Vidyasagar done it? Hes put forth a good effort and harkened to some earlier ages which is refreshing from the Baba failure. I wouldnt say he has a firm enough grasp on what a Rajini album is best like, however thats a great thing because we got some great experimental pieces, especially Raa Raa. Overall, this album gets a 4/5