Yes, we all know Baba was a major flop, theres no need to reiterate on that. But before I went to see Chandramukhi, I did have some apprehension at the outcome. The most distasteful thing was that they would try to pump up the Superstar image too much, and end up making a film that was 99% style 1% story. But was that the case? Well, thankfully I say no.
We are treated to a rather style-injected intro for Rajini, and it is pretty decent, I should say. However, after this it becomes pretty tame and moderate. In fact, as the movie progresses Rajini focuses less and less on style and more and more on the story and good acting. And the story is excellent. Although the first half of the movie is pretty much joking around and story openers, towards the end things become very serious. Jyothikas acting in this film was very good, and whoever worked on her makeup during the climax suceeded in the mood they tried to depict very, very well. In fact, the climax of the film is in fact one of the most suspenseful and well done climaxes Ive seen. The music by Vidyasagar from beginning to end (Raa Raa..) was very moody, and he deserves a pat on the back for the great job.
This isnt really a traditional Rajini film, to say. Fans whove gotten used to the sort of shadow his movies have fallen into might be disappointed. But to see Rajini succeed in this role really does bring one up for him. For once, other people have major roles in his film, and they all balance out accordingly. There are actually many scenes where Rajini lets others carry on without him, and thankfully, this makes Chandramukhi a dignified movie to watch. Nayanthara is a mystery as she doesnt exactly contribute too much to the film. The fight scenes are decent.
Overall, Chandramukhi is a very great comeback film and Rajini shows us he can still make a darn good, well planned, and exciting movie. I just had to mention the climax again, that was great. Also, his other role as the king of years ago was also great. This films already a success, and it deserves it.