Hello all, I am yet to recover from this movie and I am in sort of a
ecstasy state and I will not be able to convey the whole gamut of
emotions that I am going through now. But I expect at least some
here to understand what I feel (or felt) when writing this review!
Crowd: This is the most passionate crowd that I have seen so far.
And what makes it unbelievable that I have never such a big crowd in
Cincinnati. We have had movie screenings here but no one can beat
this one. But I think this crowd is because of the Super Star! Lots
of papers thrown up (I think pics of this show will come up soon on
Rajinifans as I saw some people capturing pictures!). The Annanoda
Paatu song was the peak. A group of students ran towards the screen
and started dancing. For a minute, everyone was stunned coz no one
expected this in Cincinnati. The distributors would have made a
killing. It was nearly full (could easily count the no. of seats
empty!). This movie surely will revive Tamil Cinema among our people
of Ohio.
Story: A story of split personality. The way they started it made
one feel this is a ghost story. One that is offered in Dhigil
Neram. BUt as the story moved on to the second half, one started to
get the whole point of what the movie is all about! A good story but
without its lifeline of one of the greatest actors in Indian Cinema,
this story would be a below average movie!
Supporting Cast: Everyone did their bit well. Nasser, Sheela,
Vijaykumar, etc did well. Vineeth was good in the finale.
Technicians: Superb job. I enjoyed the look of the film and it went
off well with the looks. The camera was brilliant. The graphics
werent the best but perfectly fitted the movie!
Vadivelu & Prabhu: Vadivelu rocked though I wont say this is his
best. His best still remains with Winner that he did opposite
Prashanth. But his scene with Rajni that resembled Kadalika
Neramillai was the best. It had the theatre in splits.
Prabhu had a sweet role to play of that of a loving husband. The
scene where he cried and says Enna Koduma Da Idhu, people happily
booed him (coz Shivaji Ganeshan is used to such emotional acting!)
Nayanthara: Surprisingly after reading so much abt her, I ended up
enjoying her in this movie. She had a good part to play in the movie
(Wont reveal it!. Didnt like her looks that much in Konja Neram song
but overall, she gets a pass mark.
Music: Vidysagar is now slowly becoming into a lifeline for many
commercial movies. His music is like a dream. Heard a lot of
comments that the music is superb. He rightly deserves another call
for a Rajni film (not now as other music directors are in the line!).
Director (P.Vasu): His job passes off well. Though he could have
improved in some areas, he has done a relatively good job
considering that he has to handle the pressure and all that. His
screenplay could have been more crisper at some places. But he
deserves praise for the way he tried to divert the viewers.
Jyothika: Truly, one of the two finest points of the film. When a
good amount of the second half of the film went, I started wondering
what is it that the viewers saw so great in her in this particular
film (when she has already acted in better roles in Kushi, Kaakha
Kaakha, etc; And mind you, I am one of her biggest fans!). But the
climax and some scenes leading to the climax completely bowled me
off. The director has utilized her round big eyes very well and she
gives an amazing amount of right expressions. Her climax performance
was truly the best! I really doubt if this role would have made this
much impact had it been done by Simran (Sorry to Vithya and to
Simran fans! I am a big fan of her too). Her star status (which is
bigger than Jyothika!) would have given more expectations among the
audience and I feel it would have fallen flat! And the dance in the
climax was extremely well handled by Jo considering that she is not
a trained dancer! REALLY GOT SCARED BY HER EYES!!!!
Rajnikanth: The word that immediately flashed in my mind when I
watched the fight scene of Superstar with Sonu Sood (the side kick
of Sheela!) was MARKANDEYAN. People say Markandeyan never dies at
all and always remains young. This word now aptly sums up this man!
And as Abbas in Padayappa says, WHAT A MAN!!!!. Just cant remember
a single sequence of Superstar that went off without whistles from
the crowd. Devuda Devuda was thunderous. His climax
words Lakalakalakalaka drew huge applause along with that of
Jyothika when she also said Lakalakalakalaka. His fights are still
the best (was irritated when the people who screened tried to
organise the movie within that screen and the first fight was a bit
hazy and couldnt enjoy it so much. But still, papers flew, whistles
flew, everything was literally floating in the air!! I was surprised
becoz lot said this is not the usual Super star movie but this movie
had a very generous dose of Superstars trademark styles, a word
that is popular with this movie (Are Are Are), his trademark fights,
etc. The thing here is, more importance is balanced out on the
others too. In Rajnis previous movies, more focus was on Rajni.
Here it is not the case!
To finish, this mans star status, charisma and greatness cannot
ever be matched by any other actor (I say this even though I am a
fan of another young actor!). I have accepted this even before
watching this movie and I accept it again now with 200%
assurance. Evanalayum Kitta Nerunga Mudiyadhuda Enga Saravanan
Kitta. Hats off to Thalaivar for giving this movie. My normal
practice is to rate the aspects of the movie and the movie itself!
Here is mine
Story: 70/100
Other Cast: 75/100
Music: 90/100
Direction: 65/100
Jyothika: 100/100
Rajnikanth: -/100 ( - means no definite value! Cant be rated. Cant
think of a number to rate my Thanga Thalaivar)
In short, this movie cant be rated by a human being! But a word to
end this review
My Prediction: This movie is surely gonna run 200+ days! Will
Thalaivar get an award? I would love him to get one! But I am damn
sure Jyothika gonna get an award!