This is the product that I was searching for the other night on the internet when I ran across this web site and soon became a member. So when it all goes pear shaped from here, blame it on the soap. I love the exotic smell of this soap. Being in America, this soap is a bit hard to find, but I have found a trusty store that carries it and so I continue to be a loyal patron. I love the feel it gives my skin and it tones my skin wonderfully. I do have sensitive skin, so prolonged use of this soap is not the best route for me. I do like to use it on my face especially when I am having breakouts. I love the sandalwood smell that fills the air when I use it. I find that the scent stays with me all day. I enjoy the old world style of the bar, its different from the main stream and for that I am thankful. All in all, its a great product that I hope I will continue to be able to use.... or as long as my local shop feels the need to carry it.