.:Scientists at NASA spent four years and 3.5million US$ worth of research money, performing numerous experiments in the Jet Propulsion laboratory and finaly came up with finished product?a pen that could write in 0-g, that is, a pen that can write without the help of gravity for use by astronauts on space missions in the International Space Centre.
Cosmonauts bought pencils. Real good ones!:.
While some of you can look at that as just another anti-American anecdotes that circulate the wired world, I look at it as a piece of serious creativity. Of course, needless to mention, on the part of the fellow who cooked this one up.
Relax, NASA!
.:TVS Centra had the market reeling in shock with the almost materialized slogan: ?Ek baar bharo, maheene bhar chalo!?
Meanwhile, a debutante motor company named ?Tez Motors? launched its maiden product, a 125cc motorcycle called ?PavanDoot?. Their ad campaign is interesting: ?Ek Baar Bharo, maheene bhar chalao!?:.
You can call that just another rather unimpressive demonstration of pun. I call it creativity. This time, on the part of this hypothetical ?Tez Motors?.
Meanwhile, investigations continue about the suspect links of Honda Motor Company with bio-tech companies involved in cloning human beings. The investigations were triggered by their ad campaign? You?ll get wings.
That was pun.
Dancing with Chihuahuas
What is a Chihuahua? The Chihuahua is the name of a breed of dogs found in the grasslands of Africa. These dogs have the unhealthy, rickety look of the stray on our street, except that they have unnaturally large ears. How do you pronounce it? You go?Chi-hua-hua!
Only, mind not uttering the word at night, in bed, too loudly, particularly if you?re male.
Excuse the vulgarity.
Let?s come to the review now.
The trouble with the Indian television industry (and I also mean Follywood spelt with a B) is that there is no absolute trend in the general quality of things being made. Because, while on the one hand you have a huge, huge, huge number of soaps (spell check please) about super-bitches and villianesses and family feuds and unimagineable break-ups, et cetera, you also have a different kind of serials, the likes of Jassi and Aayushmaan, that are surprisingly different and often even interesting. As far as movies go, you have the obvious textile crisis movies as well as the rather good ones?the likes of ?56 and Rocking?! So it?s not possible to say that the quality of programes shown on TV is going down, nor can you say its coming up!
So, because of this predicament, it?s going to be a little tricky business, writing a review that has something to say! Well, everything is tricky. Even dancing with Chihuahuas. Let?s get on with the critical analysis. Most of the thing will, of course, revolve around movies in general, though I know they aren?t so much a part of television programmes. Or may be they are. For details, ask any ?nikamma?.
The Good things:
The one thing good about todays movies is that they have now made developments and come to a position where you can start depicting brutally true and honest portrayals on myriad human emotions and relationships without worrying about being the first in the field. The big ?threshold? that Miss Sherawat eased our movies through?the kissing thing! Now, it?s more likely that this man-to-woman relationship can be shown in a rather mature way, if you may allow me to call it so, and intead of a romantically involving scene coming to a rather heinous climax, courtesy Mr. Music Director and Mr. Choreographer and also a certain Mr. Costume designer, these scenes could be brought to a climax with what would most naturally be a rapturous kiss exchange.
Another good thing about movies, and I do mean only movies, is that for once there was a movie that had no song and still acquired good enough popularity to be called a ?hit?. Yes, I?m talking about Ab Tak Chhappan. The movie is intensive and depends greatly on the acting quality?a rarity in the industry otherwise. Most movies provide for queer kinds of back-ups. Movies that have no good plot (and ATC had a good plot, mind you) throw in a lot of action or dozens of songs or, as the case nowadays, individuals who have malfunctioning wardrobes.
What I mean is, it seems like, meekly as of now, that the Indian cinema is maturing? a movie a little too often is being made that has serious acting in it, or serious plot; the likes of Maqbool and Dil Chahta Hai, and Ab Tak Chhappan. I should think you agree with me, shouldn?t I?
The Bad Things
Imagine! You?re dancing with, of course, the Chihuahuas and suddenly, the guys playing the music?Chihuahuas themselves?ask you to join them in a particularly excitable note in their anthem. Now, your dance partner is bound to give it a good howl with all the necessary canine vocal skills. But when it comes to you? it?s going to look just like kisses in Indian movies as of now.
As a comment on the lack of a more creative way of connecting contrived humour with the intended subject, I shall have to confess that I wouldn?t be lying if I were to say I have American roots!
Kissing in public has never been a part of this culture, and if God be kind, it never will be. It?s present in the so-called modernized community of the country, or, otherwise, the downright cheap. I of course am not equating modernization with being cheap. So I believe that is why kissing looks downright cheap in the movies as of now, more of a geeky ?look-we?ve-got-lips? than the real thing.
I do not know if I have a very well informed opinion, but I should like to point out that the old Indian habit of adapting foreign movie scripts, translating them, and slaughtering them categorically hasn?t realy gone. Nor has the old tendency of our movie makers of following the lines of some age-old Indian hit, picking it up and embroidering it here and there, and molesting it once in a while, gone either. We still have those honest-inspector dishonest Commisioner movies and the ?main desh ke seva mein marne ko tayar hoon lekin phir bhi girlfriend ko raste par nachaane ka shaukeen hoon? movies in plenty. Of course, add to that a fellow who has no regard for the integrity of women who is eventually slain by the guy who has terrible regard for the integrity of everyone except in song-and-dance sequences.
What do you say?
There is a little more review in the comments section. I know, it?s becoming something of a habit. Sorry!