Tim Burton is dark... Everyone knows that. Its apparent in every one of his movies to date. Charlie and The Chocolate factory is no exception in this regard... Somehow the man has taken Roald Dahls enchanting childrens story and transformed it into a surreal sort of funfair ride, with trademark Burtonesque weirdness at every turn.
For those who havent read the book, and Im surprised at how many of you there are - the plot revolves around Charlie Bucket, an ordinary, unremarkable and extremely poor lad and Willy Wonka, an eccentric, highly secretive chocolate maker. To cut a long story short, 5 very lucky people are to win a tour of Willy Wonkas amazing chocolate factory, by means of 5 golden tickets packed randomly into Wonka chocolate bars. One of these winners will also win a very special surprise. 4 of the tickets are found by the most obnoxious children imaginable and the last one of course, by some bizzarre stroke of luck, comes into Charlies possession. No prizes for guessing who wins the prize at the end...
Burtons Wonka, in stark contrast to Dahls lovable character comes across as a somewhat sinister, unstable oddball. At first I thought maybe he was going for a realistic portrayal of a man who has isolated himself in his own private wonderland to escape the pressures of the real world, but then I thought Hang on! This movies about rivers of melted chocolate, ice cream thatll never melt and everlasting gobstoppers! Realism is clearly not a factor here... So now Im more inclined to agree with several whove suggested hes probably making a dig at Michael Jackson!
In any event, the part is played to perfection by Johnny Depp.
I felt Charlies character could have been handled better though. He comes across as this perfect, goody goody, every mothers dream come true type of kid, which we all know doesnt exist! He does as hes told, speaks when hes spoken to, comes up with all the right answers and in short, has no character at all! I should say that this is not the actors fault. I simply think the character was badly thought out to begin with. The Charlie from the earlier movie, Willy Wonka and The Chocolate Factory had more spark. Remember the scene where he almost screwed up his chances to win? A scene that was omitted from this movie for some unfathomable reason...
The other kids are great... Youll hate them the minute you see them and since that is the desired effect, clearly they have played their parts well. Grandpa Joe is a laugh, and is quite true to the original. Of the minor characters Id have to say the only one who truly stood out was Grandma Georgina. She has very few lines, but their delivery is guaranteed to bring a smile to your face...
My only major gripe about the movie is the introduction of a ghastly, inappropriate, wholly unnecessary side plot, possibly to explain why Mr. Wonka is as crazy as he is. I wont spoil it by saying what it is, and those of you who havent read the book or seen the earlier movie probably wont notice anyway, but let me just say that Roald Dahl wasnt known for sickly sweet feelgood endings and hed probably have been just a little ticked off by it.
All in all though, the movie is extremely entertaining, with some absolutely hilarious moments. It has some nice special effects... The opening sequence and the glass elevator sequences come to mind, but nothing unexpected or revolutionary. Tim Burton has taken a much loved classic and imbued it with his own personal style without taking too much away from the original story.
Someone once said that you should never judge a book by its movie. I believe youll enjoy this movie more if you dont judge it by its book! And if youre a Tim Burton or Johnny Depp fan, this movie certainly wont disappoint.