After seeing Johnny Depp play the character of Willie Wonka in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory many asked who played him better. I love Gene Wilder as the zany chocolatier in the 1971 version of the film, but Depp is also a favourite actor. I enjoyed both films, but it made me curious; which film was closest to the original Roald Dahl tale?
At only 189 pages and aimed at the young or the young at heart the book made for fun, light reading. I found myself giggling often, in particular at the expense of adults or at a typical gross-out moment only kids remember to enjoy.
I was surprised to find most of the story carried over into both films, but for some reason each director felt it necessary to add more story. Perhaps they felt there wasnt quite enough already there. Perhaps they were right. The film couldve felt less than satisfying without the additional scenes.
Still, the book itself made for compelling reading. It was easy to carry around with me and quick to read. I particularly enjoyed the nonsense names for the many sweets and chocolates.
While I havent read any other of Dahls books Charlie and the Chocolate Factory has given me a taste for his style and I want more. His other titles are on my TBR (To Be Read) list right now.
I also found the answer to my question. Although, Johnny Depp is a talented actor, in my opinion, Gene Wilder caught the quirkiness and fun of Willie Wonka the way Roald Dahl originally presented him in this sweet and entertaining book.