IS THIS A MOVIE ? ..Yes dear, it is .BUT mind you, DONT THINK and definitely DONT ANALYSE. Just sit back and admire the ladies and ooh! and Aah! their dare devil actions . I would say of all the four , its Demi who definitely takes the cake- as stunning as always . Never mind the surgerys and nose and chin jobs - with all that and more you still need to have something that makes you look like THAT!..
Apologies first ( incase anyone takes exception to what I am going to say ) - this is a movie for the Guys and I know - they all sit there watching the movie , thinking - Charlies a lucky guy - very lucky guy !!....
But unlike the Charlies Angels in TV (which I vaguely remember) - this a movie to just watch - Please DO NOT try and relate the scenes and do not wonder about anything that happens - its like a rollercoaster ride - dont think -just enjoy . Definitely not a movie for those who prefer to use their grey cells even when being entertained ..
And I think they should add the word Maybe here where they ask -Would you recommend the movie to a friend ?... bcause this is a definite Maybe case depending on the friend :)