In the mid to late nineties Kevin Smith wrote and directed a series of inter-connected movies centred around the lives of twenty-something’s coming of age in New Jersey. By far the most serious and complex of these movies was Chasing Amy. After his initial cult hit Clerks was followed by the more commercial studio backed Mall Rats, he returned to his independent ways to make Amy. Made on a limited budget ($300.000.00 US.) it shows his development into a mature and sophisticated writer and director who can deal with emotional matters as well as have a good time.
In brief synopsis this movie explores the relationship between Holden McNeil(Ben Affeleck) and Alyssa Jones(Joey Adams). The kicker is that Alyssa is an avowed lesbian. Holden and Alyssa meet up at a comic convention which they are both attending as producers of self produced tittles. Introduced by a mutual friend(David Ewell who hides his homosexuality behind the front behind the front of a militant black comic book writer) they immediately hit it off. Unfortunately Holden’s dreams of a romantic attachment are initially dashed by the revelation of Alyssa’s sexual persuasion.
Added to this mix is Holden’s life long friend and co-producer Banky Edwards(Jason Lee). Boorish and insensitive he becomes one of the biggest stumbling blocks in the developing relationship. Unlike Holden Banky needs their comic(Bluntman and Chronic: depicting the adventures of two dope sucking superheroes based on their acquaintances Jay and Silent Bob played by Jason Mewes and Kevin Smith respectively)for his sense of identity and self worth. When an offer to turn the comic into a cartoon comes along Banky wants to sign and take the money, but Holden doesn’t want to get tied in to anything feels is that crash and commercial.
The twin conflicts of the relationship forming and the direction the comic is taking form the basis for the rest of the movie. As the plot develops, with many a twist along the way, the characters are forced to come to terms with themselves in ways they may not like, but helps them all to grow up just a little. This is not a relationship movie in the boy meets girl story, overcomes obstacles and get happily married sense, but it is in the way it examines the baggage we bring with ourselves into all our dealings with others. Whether a friend of the same sex or a romantic partner this movie explores the hang ups and insecurities that shape us and affect our responses.
This a well shot and well acted movie with all performers giving realistic and in character reactions. This movie is completely character driven and so runs the risk of bogging down in dialogue, but Kevin Smith’s ear for what sound’s right is as true as usual and only what is essential to propel plot is presented. There are some absolutely hilarious scenes, some that will make you cringe in embarrassment, and others that will make you think. I can’t think of anything more to ask of a movie.
One last thing. Kevin Smith has received a lot of flak for “homophobic” content and people’s reactions to his movies. His response is that look at who makes the homophobic comments, they are usually the biggest assholes in the movie. So if you want to identify yourself with them feel free. Indecently he made this movie because of a comment his gay brother made about not being able to see homosexuals on screen being treated like everyone else.
Gay or straight this movie is the best movie I have ever seen that deals with complexity of relationships. If you have the courage to, see it with someone you love.