Kevin Smith( writer, directer, ) has a unique ability to bring a great satire to the most mundane things. In this movie he addresses homosexuality, relationships, and that fine line between friendship and something more. Holden Mcniel and Banky Edwards share a lofty apartment which doubles as comic office and bachelor pad. The twos friend, a homosexual black man, introduced them to a friend of his. Getting the wrong impression about Alyssa, Holden gets ready to persue her, only to be shot down when, in a truly hilairious show of Kevin Smiths directoral talent, he learns Alyssa likes to... swing a differant way. Convinced he can change Alyssa, Holden eventually breaks her down. They start to date, and Banky gets more and more jealous. This is a truly realistic look at relationships today, and is one of the greatest love stories of the 90s.